5 Ways To Become A Better Content Writer

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I’m not gonna lie, content writing isn’t easy.

Content, like blog posts, social media posts, and YouTube scripts, needs to be both entertaining and educational. Writing content that delivers on both of those fronts is tricky.

But don’t bail out yet! You can get better at content creation!

Becoming a better content writer will help you grow your business because good writing has the power to draw customers in and keep them coming back.

Who knows, writing might even become fun for you!

There are some tricks, tips, and shortcuts you can use to become a better content writer faster.

Let Go Of What You Think Good Writing Is.

You got straight As in your English classes in school and followed all the rules of grammar to a T.

You didn’t use sentence fragments.

You didn’t end sentences with prepositions.

You wrote full, dense paragraphs.

You aced every vocabulary test.

Throw all of that out the window.

Writing for digital spaces is different than writing for your 10th-grade English teacher. Think more casual and conversational, and less academic.

And stop trying to be clever.

If you’re trying to choose between using a small word or a big word, pick the smaller on every time. Using a big word when a smaller one will do makes you look like you’re trying too hard. And even worse, your reader might not understand what you’re trying to say.

Get Good At Writing Headlines.

Don’t bury the lead. This is an old journalism adage that applies to almost every kind of writing. It means “get to the point!”

Imagine that you’re writing a blog post about the benefits of fish oil capsules, and you’ve called it “The Magical Healing Powers Of A Humble Sea Creature.” Very poetic, but that tells your reader absolutely nothing about what they actually want to know. This is the perfect way to get your ideal reader to click on a different blog post.

You can use your headlines to inspire curiosity. Why is what you’re saying different? The headline has the very important job of telling the reader why they should be interested in reading in the first place, and why they should stick around until the end of the post.

Pro Tip: You can apply this tip to other types of content that don’t require a headline. Just think of your opening line as a headline.

A good headline is like a good fishing lure, it entices readers in and keeps them hooked.

Be Consistent With Your Content.

Consistency helps you build a reputation as a reliable source of information. When your audience knows they can depend on you and the wisdom you share, you get more than faithful readers. You get fans.

Consistency also helps you by forcing you to practice your content writing regularly. Writing is like a muscle, if you don’t strengthen it, it will atrophy.

Which leads to my next point …

Know Your Limits.

Some gurus will tell you that you need to publish a blog post every day. They are often the same people that tell you that the only way to be successful is to wake up at 5 am every day. This advice ignores the fact that we are all individuals, and that there is no set path to success.

What works for someone else might not work for you. Find out how much content you can produce without getting burned out and commit to that posting schedule.

Only writing content you have the bandwidth to produce will keep writing fun, instead of turning it into a slog.

Don’t Hide Your Personality

You aren’t like everyone else on the internet. You’ve spent countless hours crafting your brand messaging, products, and services to be throughly unique. So why are you hiding behind bland copy?

You don’t have to sound like everyone else on the internet in order to fit in. Have fun with your copy. Make it sound like you.

If you’re funny, connect with your readers by cracking jokes.

If you’re no-nonsense, don’t sugarcoat your advice.

If you’re a spiritual guru, use gentle words of encouragement.

Use phrases you use in your day-to-day speech. Use curse words even! Don’t force your unique voice, let it evolve over time. It will get easier to identify your voice the more you write.

Now It’s Your Turn.

You can become a better content writer. It won’t be easy, but with a few simple mindset shifts and strategy changes, you can grow your audience and deepen your relationship with your customers.

If you need some support for your content writing endeavors you can join my LinkedIn community Content Writing Coterie.

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