Show Us Your Expertise With A Signature Presentation

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You are doing all the right things to get in front of your target audience. You’re blogging, you’re posting regularly on social media, and you’re even making guest appearances on podcasts. So I guess that’s it!! You don’t need to do anything else to promote your business, right?

You could stop there, but why? You’re on a roll, and there are more ways to demonstrate what a complete badass you are. Have you ever thought about building a signature presentation that showcases your business in the best light?

You’ll be prepared for any situation with this tool in your back pocket. Unlike a podcast interview or summit, you have more control over the content and the theme. Instead of fielding questions, you get to decide what to present and how to present it.

Let’s break down what a presentation can look like and why I think it’s a must for any small business owner.

What To Include In Your Presentation

You can include all the fancy bells and whistles that you want, but if your content isn’t strong, no one will understand how you can help them.

The Basics

Of course, bare minimum, you need to include your name and email address somewhere in the presentation. Also share:

  • Your website URL
  • Your preferred social media channels
  • Any groups or live events you run
  • How they can work with you

And don’t forget to tell people how to engage with you. Do you prefer emails or phone calls? Make that clear in your presentation.

Show Your Audience Why They Need You Instead of Tell

This is really the most important thing you can do with your presentation, show why your ideal client needs your services. Telling stories about your past successes and sharing case studies isn’t bragging, it’s showing how you help your clients and what the end transformation will be.

Case studies and testimonials are the perfect way to show the effects of your work on real people.

Show Why You’re Different

Your background makes you unique. And this presentation is a place where you can show how you got to where you are now. Did you start your business because you were struggling with an issue? Do you have special training that sets you apart from other people who do what you do?

Here’s your chance to tell your story! Potential clients want to hear about your accomplishments. They want to know they’re in good hands, that they’ve found someone they can trust.

Give A Taste of What It’s Like To Work With You

What better way to demonstrate the power of working with you than to give your audience a sample? By adding value to the presentation, you cement your expert status in the minds of your audience.

Guide your audience through a mini session or a micro lesson. Don’t try and teach everything you know, break it down into a bite-sized, actionable piece of information. If you show that you can solve a small problem your prospective client knows you can solve a larger problem in the future.

Nail The Landing

If your ideal client has stayed until the end of the presentation, you’ve got them. Now, nurture that relationship. This is a perfect place for a call to action or CTA. Invite them to the Facebook group you run, direct them to the newsletter, or let them know they’re free to email you with any questions.

The presentation is just the first step in building your relationship. It’s up to you to nurture that connection.

Formatting Your Presentation

If the last time you gave a report was in the 7th grade, don’t worry! A lot has changed, and you’re calling the shots. This presentation is your chance to show off your knowledge and show people why you’re the one that can solve their problems. You’re not being graded, and you can use any feedback you get along the way to make your presentation stronger.

Both Canva and Google Slides have easy templates that will help you put together a presentation. While you can use any design software that you are familiar with, I do recommend having all your presentation materials in one place. This way you are ready for anything at any time. How embarrassing is it to be in front of a group of people and fumbling for a file? Extremely! Putting together a slideshow gives you an outline so you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything because the slides will cue you.

If you need some help getting started, I’ve created a presentation template that you can customize with your own branding.

Use technology to your advantage and make your presentation multi-media. If you use video clips or excerpts from podcast interviews you’ve done in the past, Both Canva and Google Slides make it easy to embed media directly into your presentation.

What To Do With Your Presentation

Great. You’ve got this kick-ass presentation. Now what? First, congratulate yourself on creating an amazing piece of marketing for yourself. Next, make sure your presentation is saved in a place that’s easy for you to find. This presentation is meant to be something you can return to time and time again.

After that, the sky is the limit! Take advantage of more speaking opportunities because you already have
Use your presentation as the outline for a video. Record yourself giving your presentation and post a video
Or, do the presentation live!

Make sure you grab my free presentation template. You’ll get a headstart on your presentation, and get great emails from me!

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