3 Easy Stretches For Maximum Productivity
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I’m not just a content writer, I’m also a massage therapist, so I know how important stretching is. But I’m also a solopreneur, and I know how hard it is to pry yourself away from your desk to stretch. But you can still loosen up stiff muscles without having to leave your chair. And it doesn’t have to take all day. With just five minutes you can increase your flexibility, and ease muscle tension and soreness. You don’t even have to stand up to do these desk stretches. 

Stretching is vital to your productivity. Tense muscles lead to tension headaches that leave you feeling cloudy-headed and sluggish. And it doesn’t stop there. Tension can lead to distracting and debilitating muscle pain, joint pain, and stiffness.

Stretching is vital to your health. Stretching regularly has many benefits, including increasing flexibility and range of motion, decreasing your risk of injury during workouts, and managing stress.  

Stretching is even vital to your immune system. Your stress levels directly impact how effective your immune system is. Anything that lowers your stress level can help your body when faced with a germy invader. Of course, stretching won’t prevent you from catching COVID, but it can help your body defend itself.

So, hop into your desk chair and get ready to limber up. Here are some key muscles to stretch at your desk, and how to do it. 

Psoas and Glutes 

The psoas muscle isn’t easy to see. It lies deep in your body, running from the back of your spine to your hip bones. The main purpose of this muscle is to connect your spine to your legs. Sitting for prolonged periods of time can make the psoas tight. 

Your glutes are very easy to see. You sit on your glutes all day. Sitting isn’t as strenuous as running a marathon, but it can have an impact on how tight your muscles get. You have three glute muscles that are responsible for moving your legs around. 

The Stretch 

Seated Pigeon 

1. Sit with your feet flat on the floor.
2. Bring your left ankle to your right knee. 
3. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute. You can deepen the stretch by pushing down on the bent knee. 
4. Repeat on the other side. 


This giant muscle takes up a lot of real estate on your back. It has many functions. Your traps are responsible for keeping your body upright and moving your head around. If you’re at a desk all day, your upper traps endure a lot of stress as you hunch over your desk and look down at your keyboard. 

This muscle causes a literal pain in your neck. 

The Stretch

Neck Stretch 

  1. Take your left hand up and over to the right side of your head. 
  2. Pull gently towards the left side of your body. 
  3. To deepen the stretch, tilt your face towards the ground. 
  4. Repeat on the other side. 


Hands and arms are complex. It takes many muscles to be able to do all the things we do with our arms and hands. Typing is an unnatural, repetitive motion that leads to tension, numbness, and chronic conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. 

The Stretch

Forearm Flexor and Extensor Stretch 

  1. Hold your right arm straight out in front of you. Flex your hand up, like a stop signal. 
  2. Use your left hand to pull your fingers back, hold for up to a minute. 
  3. With your arm in the same position, point your fingers towards the ground. Use your left hand to pull your fingers back, hold for up to a minute. 
  4. Repeat on the other side. 

There are so many stretches you can incorporate into your work self-care routine. Don’t limit yourself to the ones I mentioned here. Desk stretches are just the beginning. If you are able to get out of your chair and have some open floor space a whole world of stretches opens up to you. 

Disclaimer – I’m not a doctor or personal trainer. See a doctor or consult a professional kinesiologist, trainer, or chiropractor if your pain and tension become chronic. I am, however, a massage therapist, and recommend these stretches to clients. 

Are you stuck at your desk because you’re spending extra time on your content marketing? Give me a call, I’d love to know how I can help. 

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